Keiichi Yasu on the web


[2023/04/01] Promoted to a tenure Associate Professor at Tsukuba University of Technology. Updated publications.
[2022/05/19] Updated publications.
[2020/04/01] Promoted to a tenure lecturer at Tsukuba University of Technology.
[2019/12/30] Updated publications.
[2018/09/01] I have been a co-chair of
Joint Funding of Japan-Taiwan Research Cooperation in the field of “ICT for Care and Support of Elderly People in Hyper Aged Societies,” a collaboration research with Yi-Wen Liu (Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering National Tsing Hua University), Toshie Matsui (Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Toyohashi University of Techinology) and Hiroko Terasawa (Chair of this project, Assistant professor at Faculty of Library, Information and Media Science, University of Tsukuba).

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