
Apple Inc.でインターン募集中

いつも拝見している生駒日記Appleでのインターンについての言及があった.自然言語はドンピシャじゃないので他に無いかどうかいろいろ探してみたら,Internship – iPod Engineeringというのを見つけた.下のカテゴリでiPod Accessories Audio Internというのがあり,

iPod Accessories Audio Interns will assist in the design, test,
and measurement of a variety of audio and acoustic systems -
including iPods, iPod accessories, and competitive products.
A successful intern has excellent technical skills and a great
attitude for prototyping and taking data to back up our ideas.
Some required and preferred skills include::
- A BS/MS degree in electrical engineering with focus on audio,
analog, and acoustic systems
- Test and measurement interest and experience with audio systems
- Hands-on lab experience including soldering and data acquisition
- Strong analytical and problem solving skills
- Strong analog and digital design skills, with underlying
strength in math and physics
- Working knowledge of audio test and measurement equipment
including Audio Precision, MLSSA, LMS, B&K, HATS, oscilloscopes,
- Experience building audio and/or acoustic systems
- Proficiency with MS Visual Studio


About Keiichi Yasu
